"Births and deaths, marriage and divorce, contraception and abortion, family size and composition, education and illiteracy, employment and unpaid Labour at home : (these) were the materials of demography and they were the measurable components of how women were faring in comparison with men and with women of other classes, other places, other times. Most important, (these) analyses had policy implications…"
Women's position in a given society is closely linked with its prevalent demographic trends. Just as demographic attributes such as early marriage, early motherhood, high morbidity and low literacy levels can affect their progress towards empowerment, women's agency and empowerment too can influence demographic outcomes such as fertility patterns, infant mortality rates and child sex ratios. Quite often, a specific demographic feature reveals a radical aspect of women’s over-all status in society, such as the female-male ratio in India's population, a sign of persistent female disadvantage. This chapter, therefore, looks at the situation of women in West Bengal from a broad demographic perspective.
Density, Urbanization, Composition of Population
Life Expectancy at Birth (LEB)
Estimated birth rate, death
rate and infant mortality rate for West Bengal and India
birth rate, death rate and infant mortality rate for West Bengal : 1980 - 2002
since 1901 for West Bengal and the Districts
age specific Fertility rates and age specific martial Fertility rates
Demographic Profile : West Bengal Districts : 1991 and 2001
Area and Population West Bengal 2001, census.
caste and scheduled tribe population by districts of
West Bengal 2001 Census.
by Sex
for 2001 of West Bengal and the Districts.
Trends in Population
in West Bengal 1901-2001.
distribution of population by age group with urban-rural break-up, West Bengal,
of Total Population, Disabled Population and Percentage of Disabled Population
and Widowhood in
rural areas of West Bengal districts : 1981-1991