Regarding Violence against Women

We have presented a brief account of violence against women as observed  in West Bengal and in the metro city of Kolkata. Though West Bengal is generally considered a comparatively safe state in the all-India context, the rising crime graphs point to a disquieting situation that threatens women's right to live a safe and dignified life. Apart from the heinous crimes of rape and dowry deaths and the alarming up trend in domestic violence, there is also the insidious increase in trafficking in women and children. Against this rather dismal context, there are some encouraging features : 

      There is a growing focus on gender sensitization of administrative personnel at different levels, including the police, who now have a network of women's grievance cells and have set up crisis intervention centers in aid of women.

     The NGOs  play a major role in the fight against violence inflicted on women. Imparting awareness, self-confidence and requisite support, they are making an important contribution to women's quest for security and justice.

      Significant support and redress for victims of violence is facilitated by the very presence, accessibility and pro-active stance of the West Bengal Commission for Women.

      For consolidating the positive impact of these trends, there is an urgency for  :

       Enhancing the scope and quality of the ameliorative services most needed by affected women including  Rescue Homes, Short Stay Homes, rehabilitation centers, telephone help lines etc.

       Recognizing the need for economic rehabilitation - apart from temporary shelter and subsistence - and adequately dealing with this important dimension.

      Widely publicizing , specially in interior areas, location of relevant NGOs, and of services needed by women in distress, as also details of help lines.

      Considering and taking care of  counseling needs of families of traumatized victims, including trafficked women , so that the affected women  receive due acceptance and family support, which makes for a less complicated rehabilitation.

       Fostering more intense interaction among agencies dealing with violence against women so that interventions are coordinated and are based on a common understanding.


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